
Congupna landholders invited to find out about new rural drainage scheme

Wednesday 28 February, 2018
Landholders living by the Congupna and Guilfus creeks are invited to a community information session at the Congupna Public Hall on Wednesday March 14 to provide feedback on a new drainage proposal for the area.

Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority Sustainable Agriculture Manager Carl Walters said improving surface water drainage in the area had been identified as priority in the Shepparton Irrigation Region Drainage Strategy.

“The community has been consulted in the past about potential drain proposals to help address long-standing drainage issues, however, to date there has not been funding available to undertake works,” Mr Walters said.

Poor natural drainage, obstructions to flow, water logging, a rising water table and risks to significant wetlands were identified by the community as some of the main risks to the area’s agricultural land, environmental values and road infrastructure.

“Fortunately we can now take action to address these issues, thanks to funding from the Victorian Government,” Mr Walters said.

“We will be working with Goulburn-Murray Water and others in the region to deliver solutions for this area.”

He said due to changes to climate, the irrigation footprint and land use over the past decade it was important to carefully consider a scheme that was cost effective to implement.

“We are proposing a new approach to surface water drainage that makes best use of existing features including natural depressions, infrastructure and environmental features.  The information session will be an opportunity to outline this concept and seek community feedback."

People are invited to attend the ‘drop-in’ information session at Congupna Public Hall between 10am and 12pm on Wednesday March 14 and discuss the drainage scheme proposal with Goulburn Broken CMA and GMW staff.

There will be a short formal presentations at 10.30am but people are welcome to call in at any time.

For more about the information session or the drainage program please contact Jeff Parry at the Goulburn Broken CMA on 5822 7700.

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